Research topics for the third year courses (English Language Division) and the link for each second semester course 2019-2020

1- Private international law
Research topics: The student must choose one of these topics and write a research in it
1- The role of the Egyptian mother in granting Egyptian citizenship to her children
2- Losing Egyptian nationality through change and abstraction
3- The role of mixed marriage in gaining and losing Egyptian nationality
4- The individual and collective effects resulting from the entry of the foreigner to the acquired Egyptian nationality
5- The extent to which foreigners enjoy special rights in Egypt
To submit your research on private international law, click the following link:
2- Islamic law
Research topics: The student must choose one of these topics and write a research in it
1 - The will is due in the balance of law and reason.
2 - The legacy of the grandfather and the brothers, between support and opposition, and the effect of that on the Muslim community.
- 3- Arrows of a woman’s inheritance in the jurisprudence of Islam, and a claim to equality between her and a man in the inheritance
4- 4- Legitimate rights related to the estate (analytical view).
5- 5- Inheritance by discretion and precaution (overview of inheritance jurisprudence).
To send the research related to Islamic Sharia, click the following link:
3- The principles of Egyptian commercial law
Research topics: The student must choose one of these topics and write a research in it
1- The importance and criteria for distinguishing between commercial and civil work.
2- Defining objective business. With an explanation of the actions presented on the movable as a model and an example of these works.
3- Legal conditions that must be met for a person to acquire the status of merchant.
4- Defining the company's commercial contract and its general objective pillars
5- Special substantive pillars of the commercial company contract
To send the research on the Egyptian commercial law principles article, click the following link:
4- The administrative and constitutional courts
Research topics: The student must choose one of these topics and write a research in it
1- Subsequent control over the constitutionality of laws in the French system.
2- The political role of the constitutional judge in light of the rulings of the Supreme Constitutional Court.
3- The US Supreme Court and its efforts to monitor the constitutionality of laws.
4- The conditions that must be met in the contested decision to accept the cancellation lawsuit.
5- Defining the cancellation lawsuit, its characteristics and distinguishing it from lawsuits for complete jurisdiction.
To send the research on the subject of administrative and constitutional courts, click the following link:
5- Administrative justice & constitutional
Research topics: The student must choose one of these topics and write a research in it
1- Unconstitutionality.
2- The purpose and importance of constitutional courts.
3- Constitutional review of legislation.
4- The European model of constitutional review of legislation.
5- The selection and appointment of constitutional judges.
To submit your research on Administrative justice & constitutional click on the following link:
6- International arbitration law
Research topics: The student must choose one of these topics and write a research in it
1-Qualifications required in arbitrators.
2-Challenge and replacement of arbitrators.
3- The organizat

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي