Research topics for first year curricula (English Language Division) and the link for each second semester course 2019-2020

1- Article Introduction to the Anglo-American Legal System:
Research topics: The student must choose one of the following topics and do a research in it:
1- Definition of the common law system and comparison between the common law and civil law systems.
2- comparison between the political institutions in the American and the English legal systems.
3-comparison between the judicial system in the American and the English Legal systems.
To send the research related to the course introduction to the Anglo-American legal system, click the following link:
2- Article of the Egyptian constitutional law:
Research topics: The student must choose one of the following topics and do a research in it:
1- Democratic methods for establishing constitutions.
2- The constitutional custom.
3- Corner of the region as one of the pillars of the state's existence.
4- The legal personality of the state.
5- Types of complex countries.
To send the research related to the Egyptian constitutional law article, click the following link:
3- Economics and Economic Systems Course:
Research topics: The student must choose one of the following topics and do a research in it:
1- the demand
2- the supply
3- demand and supply elasticity
To send the research related to economics and economic systems, click the following link:
4- Islamic Sharia:
Research topics: The student must choose one of the following topics and do a research in it:
1 - The multiplicity of divine laws and its role in promoting social peace.
2- 2- Legislation licensing for self-preservation (money and responses).
3- Controls of compensation contracts in Islamic law.
- 4- A person has stages in his life that differ with his eligibility in terms of duty and performance. Write a brief research in these stages, with its definition and the description of the quality in which it is, and the statement of the jurists ’statement: (The little boy writes to him not to him).
5- Among the types of agencies: (agency by litigation), write in its definition, merit and controls.
To send the research related to Islamic Sharia, click the following link:
5- Personal Status Article for non-Muslims:
Research topics: The student must choose one of the following topics and do a research in it:
1- Write a paper on the rules governing the effects of marriage on all Christian denominations. That your search includes some practical applications in each part of the research.
2- Write a research about the causes and effects of divorce on all Christian denominations. That your search includes some practical applications in each part of the research.
To send the research for a non-Muslim personal status article, click the following link:
6- Article of political systems and general constitutional principles:
Research topics: The student must choose one of the following topics and do a research in it:
1- Classifying Constitutions
2- Democratic forms of Government
3- Parliamentary types of Government.
4- Political Parties.
5- Federalism
To send the research on the subject of political systems and general constitutional principles, click the following link:

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي