Within the framework of the initiative of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, a new beginning for building the human being, a symposium entitled (First Aid) was held at the headquarters of the Faculty of Law, Zagazig University, on Thursday 12-19-2024, in which Dr. Muhammad Habashi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing at the university, lectured.

Within the framework of the initiative of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, a new beginning for building the human being, and under the auspices of Professor Dr. Khaled El-Drandali, President of the University, and Professor Dr. Jihan Youssef, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mamdouh Al-Muslimi, Dean of the Faculty, and organized by Professor Dr. Shaimaa Abdel-Ghani Atallah, a seminar entitled (First Aid) was held at the Faculty of Law, Zagazig University, on Thursday, 12-19-2024, in which Dr. Muhammad Habishi, a lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing at the University, lectured. The seminar began with the national anthem, then Professor Dr. Mamdouh Al-Muslimi, Dean of the Faculty, welcomed Dr. Muhammad Habishi and the gentlemen from the faculty members, the assistant staff, the administrators and the attendees. Then Professor Dr. Shaimaa Atallah welcomed the lecturer and the attendees. Then Dr. Muhammad Habishi gave the topic of the seminar entitled First Aid and explained to the attendees the concept of first aid and its importance in saving the life of the injured and how to deal with emergency cases, which must be raised awareness of how to deal with them within the college And caring for the human being comes first, and opening the floor for questions to the attendees at the end of the session, and the session concluded with extending all thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Prof. Dr. Khaled Al-Darandali, President of the University, and Her Excellency Prof. Dr. Jihan Youssef, Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, for their great support. His Excellency the Dean presented the College Shield to His Excellency the Doctor in appreciation of his efforts in spreading awareness among the College’s members, considering it a new beginning for how to deal with emergency situations that we face within the College.

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي